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sev marca3-02
PhD candidate (FPI fellowship) | CBMSO, Madrid

PhD candidate (FPI fellowship)

 Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBMSO), Madrid

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD thesis candidate in Antonio Alcami´s laboratory.

We offer a 4-year Predoctoral contract linked to project PID2021-128580OB-I00.


Description of the project in the field of viral immune evasion:

Poxviruses, such as the viruses causing monkeypox or mousepox, have evolved numerous strategies to modulate different aspects of the host immune response. We study the molecular mechanisms of poxvirus secreted receptors for Interferon or TNF to neutralize the action of these proinflammatory cytokines, and other viral molecules that inhibit DNA sensing host responses. We use the mousepox model of infection to determine the impact of these viral immunomodulators on viral pathogenesis. This is a good opportunity to study viral evasion from the encoding gene to its impact on disease.



  • Graduate in studies and a Master related to biomedical sciences: Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology.
  • Academic record with average grade over 7.5.
  • Research experience (TFG or TFM) in virology or immunology is desirable.
  • Experience with animal models or an animal handling course is an advantage.
  • Good communication skills in written and oral English will be essential.


 Our latest selected publications in this area:

Hernaez et al. (2023). The Lancet Microbe. Jan;4(1):e21-e28. (IF: 86.2).

Alvarez-de Miranda et al. (2021). Pathogens. 10, 1065. (IF:4.5).

Lopez-Muñoz et al (2021). Plos Pathogens. 17(8): e1009541. (IF:7).

Hernaez and Alcami (2020). Current Opinion in Immunology. (IF:7.5).

Alcami. (2020). Science. 369(6502):376-377. (IF:63).

Hernaez et al (2020). Science Advances. 6: eabb4565. (IF:14.1).


For more information:  @iviromics and

If you are interested send your CV, academic records and the name/contact address of 2-3 referees to Antonio Alcamí (